Last week when i posted thattai, i thought to myself that i should post more festive recipes since Diwali is coming. The week turned out to be crazily hectic. Just having a peaceful dinner was a challenge!! I didn't want to go over a week without posting anything..and i had this recipe in the draft for too long...
I had this argument with a colleague couple of years ago that pumpkin was a vegetable. He didn't give up till the end. I just thought he was too argumentative. When Madhuram announced AFAM Pumpkin, i was puzzled that she picked pumpkin as a fruit and i thought that her posts are so informative so she can't be wrong. Then i did a search on pumpkin and found that it is a fruit and can be classified as a vegetable too :-) Here's an interesting link for it : http://vegetablegardens.suite101.com/article.cfm/fruit_or_vegetable_. This only reminds me that i sucked in botony when i was in school ;-)
Pumpkin is something that i've used only in Sambar. I don't like it prepared any other way. I think the first pumpkin pie that i had, had this adverse effect on me. I hated the taste of pumpkin in it so much. I also had pumpkin curry in a restaurent which was quite bad too. All these things put together, i decided that pumpkin is fit to be used only in Sambar until i tried this pumpkin erissery. I was really surprised that the whole family (including my toddler) liked it. When Madhuram announced AFAM-Pumpkin, i wanted to try something new and gave it a shot and was pleased with the result. The only problem i had was i overcooked the pumpkins and they got all mashed. Taste is what matters, right? ;-)
Here is the recipe :
Ingredients :
Pumpkin - 3 cups
Black eyed beans - 1.5 cups
Coconut - 2 spoons
Red chillies - 4
Cumin seeds - 1 spoon
Mustard seeds, urad daal, hing and curry leaves for seasoning
Cilantro for garnishing
Method :
Grind the redchillies, coconut and cuminseeds with little water and keep aside.
Pressure cook the black eyed beans and keep aside.
Steam the chopped pumpkins till they are a bit soft.Combine them with the ground paste and cook it for another 5, 6 minutes or till the raw smell goes. Season with mustard seeds, urad daal, hing and curry leaves. Garnish with cilantro.
Tastes good with Rice and Rotis.
I am sending this to AFAM : Pumpkin
Yummy pumpkin erissery...healthy too..
Tell me about pumpkin pie Vidya, I also did not like it. Maybe it has too much spice going in.
I think Pumpkin Erissery is quite famous and I have received quite a number of erissery entries. Will definitely try it one of these days. I think your's is different with black eyed beans also in it.
Thx Priya and Madhu.
Madhu, do try it and let me know if u liked it :-)
Its new one for me.Will try it surely.The only difficult thing is her in shops they wont give pumpkin in pieces as we get in india.we have to buy a big one.Will see somebody to share and try at the earliest.
Pumpkin vatha kolambu will be very nice.Have u tried.
Jeyashri, i haven't tried pumpkin in vethakuzhambu. will definitely try it. Sounds interesting.
Hey, if u don't find someone to share, you can always cut into pieces and freeze it and use it later.
pumpking eriseri is new to me also. not tried sofar. But as jeyashri said vathakulambu will be nice we call it as OOruvu (in Telugu i think, but not sure).
yrs is diff with BEB. will try after these festive.
thank u for the tips to store pumpkin.
Pumpkin erissery looks yum and i like the addition of black beans.
Thx hema and Lavanya.
I am not a great fan of pumpkin, but your recipes seems to tempt me. Happy diwali and I wud like to try them for sure.
Thx Ramya. Hope u like it too :)
I like erissery a lot... Wish you a very happy Deepavali...
Thx Divya, Wish you a very happy diwali too.
Hi Vibaas, something waiting for u in my blog..
This is very different. I have never used pumpkin with black-eyed beans. Will definitely try it.
Thank u so much for ur wishes....wishing u n ur family a happy deepavali..
pumpkin erissery looks yummy
Thx Gita and Pavani
nice recipe
Looks yummy! Hope you had a Blast...
Collect your Diwali Treat at http://ramya65.blogspot.com/2008/10/chocoholic-award.html
yeah it came out well.Thank u for this recipe
Thx Sagari, Ramya and Jeyashri
my mom told to add pepper instead of red chillies.especially for errisery w will add pepper she told.
Thx jeyasri. Will try it with pepper too. It might taste like poricha kootu, i guess
that's s wonderful recipe! Errisseri is my all time favorite with whatever it is made! Came here through AFAM round up. Looks really yummy!
BTW, in BOtany the word fruit is defined, but not vegetable! So, from that point of view at least 70% of the vegetables will be fruits, if not more. Have never given a thought ot it honestly.
Delicious Recipes
Awesome effort
Keep up the good work
For Vegetarian Recipes Visit http://vegetarianspot.blogspot.com/rlem
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