Now, here goes the awards...
Vidhya, Uma, and Lubna gave me the Hard Working blogger : I would like to pass this to Sangeeth, Shama, Vij, Viki, Suma Rajesh, Sagari, Jaishree, n33ma , Gita and to all my blogger friends.

Ramya, Vidhya, Uma and Lubna gave me the 360 Degree Foodie Award

Ramya, Priya, Vidhya, Yasmeen, Uma ,Lubnaand Gita gave me the Great Buddy Award

and Ramya, Priya, Vidhya, Uma and Lubna gave me the Perfect blend of Friendship -

Lubna and Ramya gave me the Yum Yum Blog award. Now, they both have yum yum blogs and getting this from them makes me feel very honored.

Ramya, Priya, Vidhya, Uma, Lubna, Ramya Vijayakumar, Yasmeen, Gita and Viki gave me the Kreative Blogger -

I give this award to those who gave it to me and also to Aparna, Mahimaa, Vij, Shama, EC, Curry leaf, Malar and Nidhi.
There is a meme that goes with the Kreative blogger award. Will post the meme later.
Along with these, Viki gave me the Inspiration Award, Lubna gave me the chocoholic bear again and Vij and Lubna gave me the cool blog award again. I have already passed it to some of my blogger friends. But, i still want to thank them for thinking of me and sharing these awards with me. It's a great pleasure to get these awards from my friends who are an inspiration to me in different ways.
Conrgrats on all ur awards dear and I m sure u deserve them. Thanks for sharing the lovely award with me:)
Thanks so much dear! and congrats!
Congrats on all your awards and thanks for passing on the friendship awards to me, it means a lot to receive it from you .....
Thanks so much Vibaas! Congrats on all of yours.
That is a new profile pic, isn't it? Cute!
Elegant pose there in the picture,looks good:) congrats on your deserving awards.thanks for sharing one with me:)
wow, it's definitely raining awards here. Congrats and thank you for passing to me too!
Congrats on all ur awards....
Thank u for passing one of them to me.
thanks dear for the award! so nice of you.. ur profile pic is nice.
Congrats on all your awards and thanks for passing it on to me...
Thanks, all of you.
Congrats andThank you vidya, for sharing with me
Hey - I came by to tell you, that I've got awards for you. You already have most of them!
Its raining awards for you drop by and pick them up.
Congrats on your rain of awards.Nice of you to share the award and your precious moments with me
Thx curry leaf, vidhya and dibs.
Dibs, thanks so much for thinking of me. Means a lot.
Been here first time.
Nice to meet u thr this blog world.
Congrats on all the award....
hi vibaas profile pic is while reading your posts i can visuallise ur face.congrats on ur awards.waiting for ur new recipes.
Hi Vibaas,
First time in ur blog..u've a lovely blog..congrats on ur award
Congrats on all ur awards......thank you for passing the's my pleasure....u missed urs ......check out this
Conrgrats on all ur awards dear.Thanks for sharing the lovely award with me:)
Thanks again for your encouragement, friends.
Indranee and Raji, thanks for your lovely comment.
Shama, thanks so much for passing me the lovely awards. I am once again honored.
Congrats on all the awards and thanks for thinking about me....I am honored and extremely happy
Thanks once again
Tis award flow here vidya and congrats. Thanks u so much on thinking me for these.
Hope u had a nice wk end and enjoyed yr 10 th anniversary with yr fmly. My belated wishes to u.
I already passed a comnt on 16th but i was not sure an err came that day and not found in yr previous post too. so i m wishing u again.
Thanks a lot Vibaas, for sharing ur award with me...congrats on ur awards n wishing u more n more...
Thanks you so much dear and congrats on all your awards. Waiting for more recipes from you :)
thanks for the lovly award dear..
congrats on ur awards... and thx for passing to me yaar..
Thank you!...congrats on all your awards!
congrats for all your awards vibaas , u deseve all those ,and thank u so much for choosing me ,I am really happy
Congrats with all the wonderful aawards.
Congrats to u!!
thanks a bunch for sharing it with me!
few more awards r waiting for u to pick up in my come by soon
Thanks y'all.
Indrani, i feel very honored. Thanks dear!
Congratulations on all those awards.
Thank you for passing it to me too. Am honoured.
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